====== Previous Edition ====== This is the second year of VEM, but it is being built from the junction of two other workshops. See below, the history of these workshops. Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM) * [[http://vem2013.dcc.ufba.br|I Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM 2013)]] Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization (WBVS) * [[http://reuse.cos.ufrj.br/wbvs2012|II Workshop Brasileiro de Visualização de Software (WBVS 2012)]] * [[http://www.ppgcomp.unifacs.br/wbvissoft/homeBR.html|I Workshop Brasileiro de Visualização de Software (WBVS 2011)]] Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM) * [[http://sbqs.dcc.ufba.br/view/wmswm.php|X Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2013)]] * [[http://conference.researchbib.com/?action=viewEventDetails&eventid=18747&uid=r94467|IX Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2012)]] * [[http://www.icet.pucpr.br/sbqs2011/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=27&lang=pt|VIII Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2011)]] * [[http://www.wmswm2010.ufla.br/|VII Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2010)]] * [[VI Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2009)]] * [[http://www.wmswm2009.cefetcampos.br/|V Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2008)]] * [[http://www.proqualiti.org.br/sbqs2007/index_arquivos/page0012.html|IV Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2007)]] * [[http://reuse.cos.ufrj.br/wmswm2006/|III Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2006)]] * [[http://www.ucb.br/ucbtic/wmswm-05|II Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2005)]] * [[http://www.ucb.br/ucbtic/wmswm-04|I Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2004)]]